The Alliance for Integrity kick-starts its activities with an Integrity Week in Indonesia


Jakarta, Indonesia

From 31 May until 02 June the Alliance for Integrity successfully hosted an Integrity Week in Indonesia.
On the first day, the Alliance for Integrity in Indonesia and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Indonesia delivered a joint workshop on “Promoting Corporate Integrity” to the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
During the next two days, the Alliance for Integrity in Indonesia piloted its training programme DUKU (Dari Usaha ke usaha – From companies to companies). On the first day, Ms. Carolina Echevarría, a compliance expert from Argentina, trained representatives of larger companies on basic concepts in anti-corruption to become the first DUKU Indonesian compliance trainers for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

On the third day, Ms. Echevarría delivered a pilot training to Indonesian SMEs with the help of three trainers from the previous day.
During this Integrity Week a large number of representatives from international and national companies, business associations and other stakeholders expressed interest in the Alliance for Integrity’s activities, arguing that the time is right for collective action and a multi-stakeholder approach in Indonesia. This week builds a momentum for the official launch of the Alliance for Integrity in Indonesia that will take place in August 2016. Stay tuned for more information on activities in Indonesia.


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